Hydro-Thermal's 3A-certified Hydron Sanitary Hydroheater® is a direct steam injection cooker designed for the ultimate process flexibility and stability in an easy-to-use and maintained package. It is the heater of choice for processes that require fast and precise temperature control without any degradation in quality. By providing precise shear and pressure control, this sanitary solution utilized its fully CIP-able capabilities to cook thick mashes and sauces with ultra-precise temperature control without any burn-on.
The Hydron Sanitary Hydroheater is a sophisticated heat transfer device capable of 100% heat transfer efficiency and precise temperature control. It utilizes a unique, internal geometry to control the steam injection process, and its variable-area nozzle/stem plug precisely regulates steam flow. As a result, the steam condenses and disperses into the liquid so quickly that hammering and vibration often experienced with less sophisticated heaters are virtually eliminated.
A perfect fit for food and beverage applications where a safe and consistent product that looks or tastes the same during every batch is a must, the Hydron accomplishes things that are challenging for other fluid processing heaters.
The Hydron can heat many end products, from baby food to tomato paste. It can also heat liquid in high particulate products, such as salsa, while maintaining particulate integrity, working hand-in-hand with the end user's recipe without fouling or degrading the product. The result is a great-tasting product, consistent batches, and a bacteria-free environment, providing processors greater recipe control to ensure product quality by heating to exact temperatures. Our patented direct steam injection heaters work by mixing steam and process liquids thoroughly, ensuring product quality by delivering precise temperature and on-demand heating.
The versatility of Hydro-Thermal's heaters puts us above other heating systems (like heat exchangers). Our DSI solutions can either cook thoroughly in-line or cook to a stage of completeness like parboiling, emersion cooking, or tank heating, depending on the process or product's recipe. They are designed for process flexibility and stability, cooking sauces without burning or scorching sugars, proteins, or fats. As a result, many customers can see a return on investment (ROI) in less than three months.
The Hydron Sanitary Hydroheater is a sophisticated heating solution capable of 100% heat transfer efficiency and precise temperature control. It employs a unique internal geometry to control the steam injection process, while a variable area nozzle/stem plug precisely regulates steam flow. As a result, the steam condenses and disperses into the liquid so quickly that hammering and vibration often experienced with less sophisticated heaters are virtually eliminated.
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